A 'New Injury Appointment' is to discuss any new issue that is intefering with your life. When a new injury occurs, it requires sufficient time to conduct a thorough assessment. This involves a detailed discussion about the circumstances of the injury, including how it happened and when, the specific symptoms you're experiencing and any relevant details from your medical history.
Combined with a comprehensive physical examination, this initial assessment forms the basis for creating a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs, ensuring effective and efficient care.
A review appointment is a vital part of the care process, where we assess your response to the current treatment plan. During this session, we closely examine any changes in your condition and carefully evaluate the progress and improvements achieved.
This thorough evaluation ensures that your treatment plan remains on the right track. In fact, for most injuries, a regular review is essential to fine-tune and optimize your treatment, ensuring that it continues to be effective and efficient in supporting your journey to recovery